



中国行百集系列风光片 神秘之林 神农架

  • 主演:
  • 片长:58分钟
  • 格式:MPG2
  • 集数:2集
  • 容量:3GB
  • 剧情:神秘之林神农架位地湖北省境内,属于巴山脉,因相传远古时期神农氏在此搭架采药而得名。众多海拔超过3000米的高峰,被称为“华中屋脊”整个神农架地区高谷深,人迹罕至,洞穴密布,奇峰怪石,瀑布流水。 神农顶,风景垭,金猴溪,天门垭等等数十处景观令人神往。其中,野人之谜的传说更给神农架增添了神秘的色彩。神农架,一个美丽神奇的地方,一个人与自然最完美和谐的结合。野人、白化动物、原始森林……就像一团斑斓迷离的迷雾,让无数人总想探寻其中的奥秘和神奇。 Located in Daba Mountain Range of Hubai Province,Shennongjia (Shennngs Ladder)got the name after the mythology that Shennong(The God of Farming)had ever set up ladder to pick herbs.There are some peaks with the altitude over 3,000 meters reputed as "the ridge in the middle of China".As Shennongjia Reserve boasts high mountains,deep valleys,and many untraversed regions,the cavers,strange peaks,grotesque rlcks,waterfalls and streams are densely scattered. The sceneries including ShennongTop,Fengjingya,Golden Monkey Stream,Tianmenya and etc are attracting the tourists.Among them,thd sighting on wild,ape-like creatures add to its mysterious sense.Shennongjia,a beautiful and magic land,is an perfect integration between human and mature.Wild ape-like creatures,albino animals,primaval forests,are like a multicolored haze,which makde countless people research its magic mysteries.
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